I forgot to blog/have been to busy. But I'm not as bad as I thought I was. Student teaching is still wonderful! I'm learning all sorts of new things like how we can't cookie cutter kids and give them all the same discipline. That just doesn't work. I'm also learning how to balance everything I have to do, I'm not very good at it but I'm getting there. I kinda like figuring out how to teach each subject as I get new ones but it also creates the fear that I'll do it wrong. I'm not the type person who says I'll do anything once, at least school homework related, I hate getting new assignments that I've never done because I'm afraid I'll do them wrong, which means they don't get done quickly. But after that first one I'm good to go and ace them.
Last night OKWU had a 80's themed roller skate night, I wasn't sure I was going to go because I was tired and it started at 11:15pm and was in Tulsa. So 20 minutes before my friends were going to leave I decided I was going and put together a rocking 80's outfit did my make up and teased my hair. Let me tell you I looked GOOD. But all my pictures are on my iPhone, they will probably find their way to facebook. Also, I was really surprised that I was really the only 80's rocker chick, everyone else boy and girl a like was 80's workout.
Well I need to go to the cafe before it closes and then come clean my room, make lesson plans, go to volleyball, than baseball and then work. Oh my seems like a busy day.
Last thought I have a hammock on my deck and I really wanna sleep one night in it, but it keeps not working out. Now it's getting colder and unless I wanna Eskimo it up, I might have to wait till spring. sad day.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Week 1 of Student Teaching
Well I'm been in my classroom for a whole week! Half of the week was meetings and setting up the room and the other half was with the students. This week while we were setting up our room I realized I had never been to an elementary first day of school! I had no idea what to expect at all. In my little fantasy I imagined you did some get to know you stuff but got right into the whole teaching thing. Nope lots and lots of get to know each other and the school stuff. It's all very fun and interesting to see theses days and not quite worry about actually teaching yet. But I have seen lots of great ideas that I can use in my own classroom one day. I love my teacher! She is fabulous and so helpfully. I'm her first student teacher so she is more worried about not showing me everything I need to see and learn than me doing poorly. All of the other teachers I have met have been wonderful too and I can learn something different from each of them. So far I like all of my students some have interesting quirks and some will definitely be a challenge. But I'm up for the challenge! After being in student teaching all day three days this week I worked in the bookstore for a little while, but that was only for this week. I would also go and work in the coffee shop on campus which I am doing all year and I also really enjoy. I totally feel the whole go go go thing going on, but I still have down time and get to see Tyler and all my dear friends. Tonight I went to a Driller game in Tulsa with Tyler and our friends Brittany and Arynn. We had a lot of fun at the game and the Drillers won! Then we came back to school and watched Hercules. It was a great end to a wonderful week and I'm ready for the next to begin.
Time for me to dream!
Night Ya'll!
Time for me to dream!
Night Ya'll!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
A Hair Raising Experience
On Saturday I was creeping on facebook and one of my friend had done this new hair technique for curling your hair without heat. Well I love curly hair but hate curling it/don't know how to use a curling iron. I keep trying, but it never works. When I saw her picture and watched the video of how to do hair I knew I had to try it! These are my results!
After I rolled my hair into the headband. It wasn't hard, but I kept playing with the rolls. This headband did not hurt my head, but it was Lynne's, so I need my own.

I don't know why these two merged together, but the first one is right after i took the headband out and the second is after I combed it. I'm happy with it! not everywhere was as awesome as the front but I just got to keep trying!

After I rolled my hair into the headband. It wasn't hard, but I kept playing with the rolls. This headband did not hurt my head, but it was Lynne's, so I need my own.

I tried it again last night with not freshly washed hair and this is what happened! I still need to get better at the rolling but this is something that I will do lots cause it's easy! I'm always afraid I'll brush out the curls though and then I'll be sad. The headband I used last night was way too tight! I kept pulling on it all night and the red mark from that one is way more visible and took longer to go away then the one I borrowed from Lynne. On both attempts the curl has lasted, better the second ( but I used hairspray) but still hasn't stayed super awesome. I blame the fact that it is a 110 outside and feels like 113.
Can it rain please?
Sunday, July 17, 2011
I love my cousin!
I'm very grateful and love all my family members. But right now I am very grateful for dear Natalie! She sent me a video on how to post pictures on blogger and now it makes much more sense! I wish that Natalie and Nicole and I were closer in more ways than one! I was we were closer in distance and closer cousins but one affects the other. I feel like I have seen them three times in my life that I can remember. But every visit I remember them being sweet and fun girls! Maybe now that I'm doing a slightly better job of communicating we can become closer and I know they both read the blog so hi dear cousins :) love you!
The other day I learned that blog had a list of your posts, so if you lose it for some reason it's still there! I wish I had learned that before I had rewritten so many posts! I am currently adding to my cd collection thanks to dear Tyler. I'm excited even if it is slowing my computer is way down. But it will be worth having all the lovely new music. I gave Emily and her family a tour of OKWU today and it was weird to be up there with no one on campus at all and see all the dorms completely empty. .It made me miss my room a lot. I plan on getting a hammock for my lovely deck, so if anyone has some wonderful words of wisdom they would be appreciated!
Next Saturday I have to take the Oklahoma subject area test for elementary education so that will be fun-ish. Then this time next Sunday I will be home with my Momma for a week! Happy day! I love my Momma lots and lots. I, also, love my dear sisters and I will see Jocilyn and her children that I haven't seen since Christmas! That will all be fun and lovely.
Last thought, Tyler got a EA Sports NFL Training camp for Wii this week. Two thoughts, first, I suck at real push ups especially when you have to have a stupid sensor recognize your movements. Second, for a video game it is a quite a workout and I have gotten quite sore from it. Luckily their 60 day challenge give you days off and won't let you do the work out, so I don't have to do it till again till Tuesday yay!
Well good night blogging world!
The other day I learned that blog had a list of your posts, so if you lose it for some reason it's still there! I wish I had learned that before I had rewritten so many posts! I am currently adding to my cd collection thanks to dear Tyler. I'm excited even if it is slowing my computer is way down. But it will be worth having all the lovely new music. I gave Emily and her family a tour of OKWU today and it was weird to be up there with no one on campus at all and see all the dorms completely empty. .It made me miss my room a lot. I plan on getting a hammock for my lovely deck, so if anyone has some wonderful words of wisdom they would be appreciated!
Next Saturday I have to take the Oklahoma subject area test for elementary education so that will be fun-ish. Then this time next Sunday I will be home with my Momma for a week! Happy day! I love my Momma lots and lots. I, also, love my dear sisters and I will see Jocilyn and her children that I haven't seen since Christmas! That will all be fun and lovely.
Last thought, Tyler got a EA Sports NFL Training camp for Wii this week. Two thoughts, first, I suck at real push ups especially when you have to have a stupid sensor recognize your movements. Second, for a video game it is a quite a workout and I have gotten quite sore from it. Luckily their 60 day challenge give you days off and won't let you do the work out, so I don't have to do it till again till Tuesday yay!
Well good night blogging world!
Monday, July 11, 2011
The Envelope Please…And the Winner is…
I got my letter for Student Teaching on Friday! I am a school called Ranch Heights in Fourth grade. I'm really excited to know where I am and not worry about the letter and just get excited for teaching. I'll start on the 13th with orientation, then starting on the 15th I'll be in the classroom everyday till November. It will be a very interesting semester. Luckily I'm only Student Teaching and not taking other classes. But I have heard that Student Teaching is a full time job, so I'm still nervous. But I'm sure I'll do great.
There was more to this post, but while trying to upload pictures with the post that part got deleted and I don't feel like rewriting it.
Dear lovely Natalie who is oh so smart,
Have any sound advice for pictures? I'm either never going to up load them again or get mad at my laptop every time I try and post them.
Wish me luck Student Teaching and blogging!
Saturday, July 9, 2011
But Mom do I have to blog?
Okay, I was unmotivated to write because I was waiting for the shirts we dyed to be ready to rinse. So that I could take pictures of our handy work and then I left the camera in Tyler's car after his game. Then we went to my house for our long weekend and then Tyler's so clearly I have been busy. This post is bound to be long, so lets get started.
Last Monday the girls and I made tie-dye cookies and tie-dye shirts! It was a blast! I turned several different colors for several days, but it was fun to make different designs and see the girls' creativity. it was quite the afternoon. My favorite part was making the cookies and waiting to see what the were going to turn into!

Uploading pictures was more difficult than I thought! The last 4 shirts were of my design. I wish that the last one had more color :( this blog took me like 4 days because I didn't want to deal with the pictures! I have more to post but I'm doing it tomorrow.
Night Y'all
Last Monday the girls and I made tie-dye cookies and tie-dye shirts! It was a blast! I turned several different colors for several days, but it was fun to make different designs and see the girls' creativity. it was quite the afternoon. My favorite part was making the cookies and waiting to see what the were going to turn into!

Uploading pictures was more difficult than I thought! The last 4 shirts were of my design. I wish that the last one had more color :( this blog took me like 4 days because I didn't want to deal with the pictures! I have more to post but I'm doing it tomorrow.
Night Y'all
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Home :)
So I got to go home this weekend on Friday to go to a wedding on Saturday. It was a lot of fun my favorite part was hanging out with my family and discussing the wedding with them. I enjoyed getting on the dance floor with my little sister because they are cute and are good dancers. I really like being home and coming to visit! It will be nice to go back to the ville and see friends, but I love home! It's also nice because it will only be a short time till I come home again on Thursday for the 4th of July, yay holidays! Tomorrow I think I'm going to tie-dye with my kiddos. Hopefully we can find lovely patterns and styles to do with them besides the traditional spirals. I'll be sure to put up pictures after they are washed. I need to make the three hour drive to Oklahoma. Sigh, can we have instant transportation so I don't have to drive three hours? I would gladly put money towards research that endeavor. We need a new renewable energy source anyway! Before I forget I made a decision a purse finally and got the side-by-side in java blue. Riveting stuff, I know. Ok really time to go back to Oklahoma.
Peace love and pixie dust!
Peace love and pixie dust!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Here is the video of Tyler catching the home run ball at the Driller's game!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Play Ball!
Well I thought I was going to be able to get on the internet at the Collinsville Library. Boy was I wrong, sigh, instead I’m writing this in word and I’ll post it later. First off I’ve discovered I really like using the word so when I write, therefore, I am striving really really hard not to use it. Now let me tell you why I’m in Collinsville, kiddo number two has a horse day camp all week in Collinsville and I’m only getting reimbursed to drive there and back with her in the car. No way do I want to drive 40 or so minutes 4 times every day for a week. This means I’m hanging out at the library and reading and going to fun places for lunch that they only have in Tulsa (hello chick-fila!). Sadly I discovered today that the library here doesn’t open till noon. I got to Collinsville around 8:45 after I dropped off the dear one. I was still really tired from this weekend, which I’ll get to in a second, and thinking that the library probably opened at 9. I decided to take a nap in my car. It was nice I woke up like 4 or 5 separate times; I did go and see if it was open at one point to be disappointed and went back to napping. Even though I was parked in the shade under a tree it was still really hot here in good old Oklahoma and when I woke up I was drenched in sweat. Probably not my best plan, but I didn’t know what else to do. I tried calling people, I.e. Mom, Jessica, and Jocilyn to give me ideas but no one answered. So, (sigh) I decided to go find a coffee shop. But the one I found is closed due to fire or something, the nice thing about small towns are people are friendly and help strangers and this old man say and asked what I was looking for and he gave me directions to a cafĂ©/diner place and I hung out there and had lunch till the library opened. I really appreciate ac a lot.
This weekend was a blast I went to 4 baseball games in 3 days with Tyler. Well 5 in 4 after Tyler’s game tonight. This first night the drillers won in extra innings and then there were fireworks after. We bought the $5 lawn seats, because we don’t mind the grass, and in the 7th inning they move everyone for the fireworks. Since the games went an extra 4 innings it was almost like we got two games for the price of one (which we did the next night) and got good seats for cheap the second half. Before the game we came super early because we were suppose to meet Tyler’s dad somewhere to get a foul ball Tyler got at the OKWU/Driller game. Little did his dad know we planned on getting it signed for Tyler to give his dad for father’s day. Over the three days we got everyone put 5 pitchers, two players on the DL and the coaches. After the first day it was hard to get them because we had a lot of them and the silly pitchers don’t really come over and sign autographs. But since we were so close Tyler decided to wait to give it to his dad till we got the last ones. For the second game our friend Erin came with Tyler and I and we had a lot of fun. We sat in left field in the lawn seats which was new but it was closer to the restroom and water fountain and not a lot people sit and we had most of it to ourselves. Well in the…. 5th inning (?) Erin and I decided it was time to go get a drink of water. Wouldn’t you know that would be the time a HOME RUN was hit to where we were sitting! We were already at the top of the hill but I heard the crack and turned around in time to see Tyler go run over and catch it mid-air like the good little outfielder he was! I was super excited for him, Sadly, it was from the other team so he didn’t want it as much, but was still super stoked to catch it, after the game he was on the recaps at the end, but Tyler didn’t see because he didn’t think about and went to get a drink of water, So we keep checking the website because they post them so he can see it. After that we went and got the player to sign the ball and he is actually a top minor league prospect so it is cool to have his ball especially if he makes it pro. On Sunday father’s day we went to the game with his dad. His mom and sister were suppose to come too, but ended up not being able too. I was going to let it be father-son day, but his dad invited me on Sunday and I thought the rest of the family was coming too, so I came along and worked on getting autographs on the ball while Tyler and his dad got to go play catch on the field. We all had a lot of fun and sat in the all-you-can-eat seats and weren’t quite as hungry or thirsty as the first two games. Let me tell you those seats pay for them self just in being able to get drinks and snacks.
Oh my I have written lots and lots hopefully I didn’t bore you all. When I post this I’m going to try and put pictures up from the game and maybe the recap! Oh and on Saturday while I was at the ball game I got a text from my cousin saying she was engaged and that was super exciting! I’m really happy for Natalie and Shawn, they have only been dating forever, and Natalie is sure to make a really beautiful bride. Now I’m going to read a little while longer while I wait for it to be time to get the kiddo! If anyone has any ideas as to do what I can do in the Collinsville/Owasso/Tulsa area the next four days especially before the silly library open they would be greatly appreciated! Dang it I used so 8 now 9 times… grrr
Real last thought: I love Fridays because it's when Kimberly posts on her blog and I get to read about Alaska :)
Tyler and his dad at the game :)
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Yummmmm Strawberries!
I'm eating fresh strawberries dipped in sugar right now, so naturally that is what I should call my post! So I suck at two things decisions and communicating with people. With communicating if I don't see you or hang out with you, people kinda just fall off my radar. I feel like part of it is I want them to be the first ones to communicate with me and often just wait and then I get jealous when I see them starting conversation with other people. I do sometime try and be the one starts the conversations with people. But it sucks getting rejected and with two of my really good friends I have been convinced that they were both mad at me and when I finally sucked it up and confronted them one is just a bad texter(I should have remembered this) and the other while she thought what I said was great just didn't have a response so she let it slide. So just knowing I hadn't done anything wrong was a HUGE relief! My goal is to be better at the whole communicating thing, But I know it isn't just up to me and it is a two way street. One of my friends told me she hadn't heard from me in a week and a half cause I had been hanging with Tyler(I have had this problem way way before Tyler, ask dear little Emily!) I replied I had texted her and she wasn't super thrilled with them and reminder her conversations go both ways. So in short I'll try and be better about communicating with world but can the world do the same thing? I'm not sure how this post is going to come across... I hope not rude or self-absorbed cause that was not my goal.
Now those if you who are still with me are probably wondering when I'm going to get to the me sucking at making decisions portion of this post. Well here it is! I hate making decision because I'm afraid of making the wrong even with something silly like picking which purse to get. Now I have been wanting a Vera Bradly purse for a quite awhile and finally decided I was going to get one for my birthday (which was in April...) but i could never choose between two styles I liked. So I'm going to post the links and all you lovely people out there should vote which one in the comments I haven't even begun to think about color. but if you had a suggestion I would prefer it be in the on sale choice :)
Choice #1
Choice #2
So there it all is. I like blogging because it lets me express my feeling instead of bottling them up inside.
Also huge shout out to my cousin Natalie! I loved the feedback on my blog! I also like knowing that people are reading my blog. I feel like I would still write if no one wrote.
Well I need to get back to my delicious red strawberries!
Night Ya'll!
Now those if you who are still with me are probably wondering when I'm going to get to the me sucking at making decisions portion of this post. Well here it is! I hate making decision because I'm afraid of making the wrong even with something silly like picking which purse to get. Now I have been wanting a Vera Bradly purse for a quite awhile and finally decided I was going to get one for my birthday (which was in April...) but i could never choose between two styles I liked. So I'm going to post the links and all you lovely people out there should vote which one in the comments I haven't even begun to think about color. but if you had a suggestion I would prefer it be in the on sale choice :)
Choice #1
Choice #2
So there it all is. I like blogging because it lets me express my feeling instead of bottling them up inside.
Also huge shout out to my cousin Natalie! I loved the feedback on my blog! I also like knowing that people are reading my blog. I feel like I would still write if no one wrote.
Well I need to get back to my delicious red strawberries!
Night Ya'll!
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Another Day Another Post
So apparently I like doing this haha. First off I don't necessarily stay on topic easily and like to jump from topic to topic cause that is how is my brain works. Don't worry it all makes sense to me. Hopefully through writing more often I will sharpen my skills. Today after going to Tyler's church we went to his grandpa and grandma's house and I got to hear all sorts of stories from back in the day and of his family. It was a lot of fun. We found Tyler's baby book at his house on Friday and it was full of really cute picture of him. I've always heard that Tyler and his dad looked a like, but I didn't quite believe it till I saw the pictures from the baby book! They look like twins! It was all and all a fun weekend with his family. Later tonight I get to watch NBA Finals woohoo (kinda)! Pro basketball isn't my favorite but it will be fun to watch it with people and hang out. I'm looking forward to going and watching the bachelorette with my friend Arynn tomorrow night! I think the people that go on that show are absolutely crazy! But it makes for good television. This week is my first all day week with kiddo #2 so that will be interesting, but we should have lots of fun and if I get too much of the kiddos I always have nights off and can get a break. Unlike the past two summers were I had the 4-12 kiddos 24/7. But like I said in my last post I really have enjoyed these kids and their family so far and I am really thankful that they are letting me stay in their house for the summer. Okay well I need food, so I should probably work on finding it.
Thanks for letting me... ramble?
Ps I'm going to try and not post like tomorrow. We'll see.
Thanks for letting me... ramble?
Ps I'm going to try and not post like tomorrow. We'll see.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
The Start of Something New
So I decided to blog. I figured all the cool kids do it so why not? I also thought it would be a good way to keep people up to date on Student Teaching and what not. Blogging probably will not be something I do often especially when I start Student Teaching in the fall! This is weird it reminds me of using Xanga back in the day. I'm really excited to start Student Teaching it will be really interesting experience and I'm also extremely nervous to be in charge of 20 or so little minds for a semester. Which will lead to getting 20 or so different minds for the next 20-30 years. Why do I feel like I just saw my life flash before my eyes? Don't get me wrong I'm excited it just a lot to picture at once. I've been nannying for a family in Bartlesville for about a week and a half (and living with them) and so far I love it! There are only two girls, but they can still be a handful. I already call them my kids especially when I'm with my friends that are also nanny's. So far I think the choice to stay in Bartlesville for the summer was a good one. Even though I occasionally miss my momma and sisters. I have loved seeing my school friends and the experiences I'm gaining from nannying and I will be watching lots and lots of baseball this summer thanks to Tyler but that's okay cause I enjoy the sport and watching Tyler play. Well I'm at Tyler's house for the weekend because we went to Incredible Pizza last night. So I should probably stop blogging and be social. Zoey has also been barking for the past like 10 minutes because someone is outside and they won't let her out, so she needs to be distracted.
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