Monday, July 11, 2011

The Envelope Please…And the Winner is…

I got my letter for Student Teaching on Friday! I am a school called Ranch Heights in Fourth grade. I'm really excited to know where I am and not worry about the letter and just get excited for teaching. I'll start on the 13th with orientation, then starting on the 15th I'll be in the classroom everyday till November. It will be a very interesting semester. Luckily I'm only Student Teaching and not taking other classes. But I have heard that Student Teaching is a full time job, so I'm still nervous. But I'm sure I'll do great.

There was more to this post, but while trying to upload pictures with the post that part got deleted and I don't feel like rewriting it.
Dear lovely Natalie who is oh so smart,
Have any sound advice for pictures? I'm either never going to up load them again or get mad at my laptop every time I try and post them.
Wish me luck Student Teaching and blogging!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck student teaching! And yes, I do have advice for uploading pictures! I'll comment back here when I'm off work so it will be better directions. It is a bit tricky, took me a little while to get the routine down. But you'll get the hang of it! :-)
